Projects now are not like 1+1=2
Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 9:55 PM
Phase 2 submission for CSAD. That was like my limit. Not sleeping for more than 24 hrs and both Ali and me looked like some panda that came out from the zoo. It was crazy and when Im sleepy I started saying things I do not even understand. I became very very drowsy and I couldn't get anything right inside my head. However, we still manage to pull through all the way till 4pm when I went to school for submission of CSAD.After submission, I was looking so forward to a good sleep and I really did have one. I slepy from 5 plus in the afternoon until the next day at 10am. If every project is going to be this crazy, I think I might as well join the MH. Haha. I really cannot stand people who don't do their work now. I have a phobia of it already and IM SICK OF DOING OTHER'S WORK FOR THEM AND GIVING THEM THE CREDIT. Enough is enough. Im sure some of my classmates understand what Im talking about.
We are humans and have limits. We are not transformers or terminators. Poor ali, after the project submission she still had to go for driving. Poor her.
We cannot wait till last minute work anymore. So, I want to start things early. Actually, we weren't last minute if so many problems didn't show signs of faulty-ness. Forget it. What's over is over. THANK GOD THAT CSAD Phase 2 is finished. Don't think we will do very well though, our design is not very nice. ): We did our best already la.
Must really thank Ali. She helped me alot during this project. THANKS WOMAN! You're always my SEBAI.
Not forgetting SK and Azlan who are always ready to help us :D
I really feel damn damn happy finishing CSAD Phase 2 since itcontains the most marks. Alright, tmr's a new start for projects. JIAYOU EVERYONE! FIGHT FIGHT TO THE END.
I can't wait for HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE MAN!!!! 16th july 16th july.

Take care all. God bless. How I hope that my other projects are as easy as 1 + 1. Hahaha. But thats so dumb. LOL! CIAOS~